““A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” ”

Monday, November 4, 2013

My Love...

Hye semua... 

lama da x update ne blog.. hoho.. kcian blog.. terabai.. maklumlah terlampau main dota kn.. hohoho.. btw.. 

hari ini, sy nak kongsi cerita tentang kisah sang puteri idaman... 


kalo nak tahu, dya la org pertama y dpt buat aku klh kalo bgaduh.. haihh.. x dpt mw mrh dya lama2 ne.. ntah la knapa.. tp geram jgk kdg2 kalo terfikir benda ne.. haha.. kenapa ek.. pastu, dya juga la y buka hati aku tuk mencintai perempuan.. dulu mana pena fikir tntg cinta.. skrg ne.. aisehmen.. da ada gf daaa.. hohoho.. bila aku bsama dya, aku rasa hepi sgt2.. xtw cmna mw explain hepi tu.. tp, kdg2 kalo jln msti jgk gaduh.. :'( .. slh aku ka jgk?? huhuhu.. 

tapi, walau apapun tjadi.. aku akan tetap di sisi dya.. xkn tggalkn dya.. hehehe.. aku mw mewarnai hidup dya selamanya.. sorg y bole didik dya, syg dya, cinta dya dan bahagiakn dirinya selamanya.. aku mahu habiskn sisa hidup aku bersama dya.. wlaupn hidup dlm sederhana.. kalo kaya skalipun tp xhepi buat apa kn? sbb tu la.. duit bole di cari, tetapi kekasih hati susah diganti... hehehe.. dan kalo sekalipun dya pergi dulu, xda sesiapa dpt ganti dya dlm hati aku... 

hahhh.. ne la dya.. hehehe.. ne gmbr dr fb dya aku p curi2 download.. hehehe.. ops.. hehe.. comel kn.. comel sgt2.. xbole lpas ne kalo pandang dya.. msti mw tgok lama2.. kdg2 pndai tsnyum sndri lg kalo pndg dya.. yela.. hepi sgt dpt dya.. hehehe.. cinta pertama dan terakhir in sha allah.. hehehe.. serius ne aku xmw da cari lain.. hahaha.. 

kalo dya baca ne post.. aku nk gtw y aku syg sgt3 kt dya.. aku akn cuba jd y tbaik untuk dya.. walaupun kdg2 pndai bgaduh tba2, tp aku xpna rasa nk bpisah.. walaupun dya pna dan akn lukakan lg hati aku dgn lebih dlm.. I love u so much ifa syg.. hehehe

tu jela dri sy mlm ne.. hehehe.. 

last sekali tgok video ne.. khas untuk nurul afifah... :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Unknown World

fuhh.. agak lama dah x buka ne blog.. hahai..
almaklumlah.. bukan biasa main blog2..
sy ne pn buat sbb kwn.. hehe..
apa y sy buat cuma kasi design2 blog.. tu jak sy minat.. mw lwn kwn kn..hehehe..

TAPI.... bukan itu tujuan sy ari ne.. saya mw bgtw y dunia ne unpredictable.. kita tidak taw ability semua orang di dunia ne..

ceritanya bermula ketika sy cek profile buddy in my steam.. terkejut owh nampak performance dya.. perghhh.. Pro ne.. mw ckp nasib mmg x la..

level 58 - win 568... maknanya dya kira menang 100 game in each 10 level.. zzz .. paling awesome la.. sy pn sekarang masi lg level 30 ++ .. tp win bru 2++... kira seimbang la sy.. ada klh n menang.. tp dya ne.. susah sikit mw predict..umpama tiada klh la ne.. kira tercabar la jgk.. hehehe..

oleh sbb itu.. sy mw main lg..main dgn peformance y lebih baik.. hehe.. kita boleh buat jika kita betul2 mw lakukan.. hehehe...

ok la..itu sahaja tuk hari ini.. see you all again next time..

bye... :D

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Is it fate??

Assalamualaikum . . Hello . . 
ne nak cerita sdikit ngan korang.. hew hew :3

kisahnya bermula apabila bertemu sorang puteri dlm facebook. . pada mulanya langsung xknal sepakah gerangan perempuan ini. . aku pn cek la profile tentang c dya. . tp . . . masi jgk xknal. .kenal pn sbgai adik kpd senior d skolah lama dl. .tp mcm mna bole friend d fb plak ne?? =.=  jd aku buat kputusan tuk tanya dya sndri. . hoho . . mula2 tu chat pura2 tya akak dya.. hahai.. agk lmbt jgk la respon dya bls tu chat.. haha.. mklumla..tba2 lelaki xdknali bwa chat..sepa x takut.. hahaha.. tp makin lama chat sma dya makin seronok plak hati ini.. sehh ~ mula sda . . . 

dpendekkn crita, aku pn try la tackle dya.. hehehe.. akhirnya dpt jgk.. tp bukan itu point sy.. apa sy mw ckp adalah kita x tw sepa orang y bsma kita pd msa akn dtg.. sburuk2 mana pn masa lalu xsmstinya ending hidup kita sedih.. bgitu jgk sbalikmya..jd jgn la kmu sedih kalo perancangan hidup kamu gagal.itu cuma ada perancangan y lebih baik y disediakan untuk hidup kita..

sblum mgakhiri khutbah.. (eh..slap)..blog sy hari ini..sy maw kongsi 1 pepatah... "knowing too much of your future is never a good thing" . .think about it okay ...  

apa2 pn tjadi d kemudian hari, kita haruslah terima dgn seadanya.. lebih baik kita tidak tw tntang masa depan ne.. mcm jgk tgok drama ka movie ka.. mesti xsyok kn kalo da tw ending crita.. apa2 pn sy sgt hepi dgn apa y blaku skg ne.. terutama bertemu dgn puteri hati..NURUL AFIFAH JANIS.. kamu cri la orang itu r.. hahaha.. kalo ada jodoh, in sha allah sy akan menikahinya.. hahai.. 

ok la.. dats all for now.. maw main dota 2 dl.. hehehe.. bye :D

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Here I am waiting, I'll have to leave soon 
Why am I, holding on? 
We knew this day would come, we knew it all along 
How did it, come so fast? 
This is our last night but it's late 
And I'm trying not to sleep 
Cause I know, when I wake, I will have to slip away 

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go 
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close 
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own 
But tonight I need to hold you so close 
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah 
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah 

Here I am staring at your perfection 
In my arms, so beautiful 
The sky is getting bright the stars are burning out 
Somebody slow it down 
This is way too hard, cause I know 
When the sun comes up, I will leave 
This is my last glance that will soon be memory 

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go 
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close 
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own 
But tonight I need to hold you so close 
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah 
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah 

I never wanted to stop because I don't wanna start all over, start all over 
I was afraid of the dark but now it's all that I want, all that I want, all that I want 

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go 
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close 
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own 
But tonight I need to hold you so close 

And when the daylight comes I'll have to go 
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close 
Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own 
But tonight I need to hold you so close 
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah 
Oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah 
Oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah) 
Oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah (yeah), oh-woah! 

daylight..do not waste those chance with your loved ones .. we do not know when we will go forever .. life is not forever .. enjoy life as best as possible .. the chance to use the best possible .. :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Free Gift from Steam..

Today, I received a free gift from steam. hehe. i feel very lucky today. not 1 but 20 free gift I received .. Wahhhh .. do not know what i want to do with these free gift. becoz I already have dota 2.hehe. So, anyone who wants this free gift, please pm me ok? : D

oh ya, also, anyone who have steam, add me. we can play together .. my ID is kael_9245 .. pro? I am  not dat pro like the other players .. but, may be considered pro.. hehehe ..

banyak kn free gift saya dpt.. hoho.. thx Steam :D 

okay..dats all for now.. bubyeee :DDD 

First post on blog.. :D

Hello . . . . . .
haha..wahh.. sy da ada blog la.. hehhe.. ntah npa tba2 mw buat blog.. haha.. semua ne bpunca dari kwn jgk la.. dorg buat twitter, sy pn mw buat.. dorg mw buat blog sy pn mw buat..hoho.. skrg ne.. sy dan kwn sy sdang blawan blog sepa lg smat.. hahai.. mcm budak2.. pdhl tidak tw apa2 pn mw wt apa sma ne blog.. =.=

ok la.. ckup la buat msa kini.. len kali lg r.. tata.. :DDD